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Fibonacci betting System

Fibonacci's betting System can be described as a more $married version of Martingale's system. so Fibonacci's system also has progressive character , which means that the bet depends on the outcome of the previous bet – after each lost bet we increase the BET, and after each win we lower it. However, in this system to calculate the amount of the next rate, we use the Fibonacci string this is a formula that was developed in the 13th century by Fibonacci. He is very simple and for those who are fascinated by the power of mathematics, let's add that the principle presented in this paper expresses the idea of this division, which materializes in very different areas of life, for example, in nature, architecture or art.

How much is the bet?

First, let's look at the principle by which the classical Fibonacci string is formed. Now each expression of the string is the sum of the previous two (except for the first two words). This is best seen in the numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584 etc. As for the translation of this rule into the bookmaking system in question, each losing coupon means placing another bet on the sum of the 2 previous bets . In the case of a series of missed coupons, it will look like this: 1. $ 1 bet (omit the number 0), 2. bet you $ 1, $ 3. $ 2, $ 4. $ 3, $ 5. a $ 5 bet and so on. When the bet placed is hit, the typer should go back 1 level. For example, if a winning ticket was wagered at $ 13, the next one should be wagered at $8. If the bets are correct this time, after 2 wins, the player should bet the initial bet again . The beginning of course betting from the amount of $ 1 is not mandatory, as the first bet you can take a higher amount.

Fibonacci System-pros and cons

Classical progression (Martingale's system) is very risky, and compared to it, the Fibonacci system creates a much lower risk of bankruptcy. The increase in the bet after each lost bet at the beginning of the game is not so significant as in classical progression. Such a solution means that having the same capital per game, Fibonacci's system allows the player to play more stages than Martingale's system or – looking at it from the other side-his bankroll may be smaller.

The Fibonacci betting System is certainly safer than the classic progression, but looking more broadly, there are also betting systems much less risky. At a later stage of betting on bookmakers, the bet begins to grow more and more sharply and if there is a long series of failures, and the bankroll is not large enough, the player will go bankrupt. Therefore, when choosing a Fibonacci system, the typer should have a large amount of capital to play with. But this is not the end of the shortcomings of the system. Well, the profit generated using such a betting system is not relatively high, and therefore the system is not particularly profitable .

When Can the Fibonnacci system work?

If you are considering whether or not to try betting bookmakers using Fibonacci's betting system, you still need to know what bets are suitable for typing in this way. The key condition for the meaningfulness of the game using the Fibonnaci system is the height of the odds for events – they should be greater than 2,62 because only in this case the win will exceed the sum of the bets placed on the already lost bets. A good choice would be to bet on draws in football or hockey because for this type of courses are often 3.00 or even more. All you have to do is find the teams that draw often and type this result... indeed.