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Betting system modulated betting

The modulated betting System is a reasonably safe system, but requires a fairly good typing efficiency from the player. Anyone who thinks about betting bookmakers seriously, he should know this betting system because it is the most popular betting system among experienced typers . While novice players are often advised to start with a flat bet system, the modulated betting system is its more complex version. Therefore even not very advanced typists can try to play this way the risk of bankruptcy is small.

How does the modulated betting system work?

The betting system modulated betting requires the player to specify at the beginning, how big is your bankroll? (game Budget) and what is the maximum bet per bet . For safety reasons, we should not place more than one bet per bet. 2% bankroll . However, the maximum bet is reserved only for the most certain bets. Other plants should be bet only part of that maximum. So we divide the amount of our maximum bet into 10 equal parts and we get a value of 1 unit. For example, if the maximum bet is $ 20, then the unit is $2. Any bet can be placed on a bet that is between 1 and 10 units . If the bet is very risky, and therefore in our opinion has little chance of success, then if we decide to bet on it at all, we will choose 1, 2, Top 3 units (in the example 2, 4 or 6 $). On the other hand, the greater the chances of a successful bet, the more units we should bet on it.

Of course. the general indicator is certainly the betting odds on a given event: the higher the odds, the less likely that the type will be correct and vice versa-the lower the odds, the greater the chances of success of the type. However, courses do not always work, which is why it is so important own analysis and intuition of the player . For the purposes of preliminary analysis, it can be determined course ranges and the corresponding number of units. For example:

Courses up to 1.50 – from 8 to 10 units; 1.51 – 2.00 – from 5 to 7 units; 2.01 – 4.00-from 2 to 4 units; and Higher courses only 1 unit.

When it comes to modulated betting, individual and thoughtful selection of rates is crucial to the effectiveness of the system. However, there is a tendency to place most bets on the maximum number of units. However, in this case, we really start to use the flat rate betting system and lose the idea of modulated betting. It is also worth mentioning that in practice properly applied system of betting modulated more the Kelly system . Both betting systems require first, estimate the chances of a particular type being correct, and then match the correct bet to these estimates .

Modulated betting-pros and cons

The betting System is modulated relatively safe , and for the amount of the budget you can play a minimum of 50 bets (provided that the maximum bet is not more than 2% of the Bankroll). In reality, however, even still losing, but properly choosing the amount of the bet, we should bet much more. In addition, modulated betting provides the ability to check whether the player effectively types bets . If this is the case, it will be profitable in the long run, and with increasing efficiency, the profits will be more and more satisfactory. Required high efficiency typer however, this is a disadvantage of this system, and the profits achieved are certainly lower than in progressive systems (in the case of correctly selected bets). Samo determining the bet rate is not easy and time consuming.